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Boil Advisory – Lifted

For Immediate Release

Date: 1/20/2021 Contact: Kunz / Mansfield Water Repair Dept.
Subject: Boil advisory issued (Lifted)

Due to a water main repair it will be necessary to issue a boil advisory for the following area:
Marquis Avenue from Gibson Avenue to Chilton Avenue
West Raleigh Avenue from Marquis Avenue to South Main Street

Under a boil advisory it is suggested that all consumed water be brought to a rolling boil for a full 3 minutes prior to consumption. This is a precautionary measure to be taken until samples can be tested to confirm water purity. A notice will be issued at the completion of the test.

Any questions concerning this notice may be directed to the Water Repair Dept. during normal business hours Monday thru Friday 7:00am to 3:30pm at 419-755-9806.

Thank you,
City of Mansfield Water Repair