Tim Theaker, Mayor
No amount of planning or preparation could have prepared Mansfield and the rest of the world for the immeasurable challenges of 2020. Life in general changed dramatically as we entered uncharted territory of living and working during a worldwide pandemic. Navigating through oftentimes daily changes presented us with a unique and difficult set of challenges to keep the city operating and keep our employees safe while striving to provide the best possible service to our citizens.
It was a year of learning and adapting to new norms while we fought for our lives, for equity and for economic stability. I am proud of how we persevered thanks to the tireless efforts and support of our first responders, frontline workers, Mansfield’s elected officials, business leaders and community organizations. The strength and resiliency of Mansfield, thanks to the people who believe in our city, was clearly evident throughout 2020. Richland County Strong was initiated and grew throughout the year as we all continued our work to make Mansfield the best city in which to live, work, worship and raise a family.
In spite of the pandemic, and the many obstacles which were presented throughout the year, Mansfield saw significant economic growth during 2020. Our growth was recognized by Site Selection Magazine who ranked Mansfield 7th in 2020 Top Metros Ranking by Project per Capita. The Imagination District, a joint venture between the Renaissance Theatre and the Little Buckeye Museum, was awarded one million dollars in state funding. The Imagination District will serve nearly 220,000 youth and families, provide 15 full time and 25 part time jobs for a total economic impact of $7.7 million. K.E. McCartney’s expansion project is nearing completion as is the Edge Plastics expansion. Old Dominion Freight Lines completed construction of their 50-dock freight terminal which is now operational. Niss Aviation FBO, LLC purchased Richland Aviation and is constructing a new FBO hangar at Mansfield Lahm Airport. Park Lanes was demolished with plans to redevelop the site. 84 Lumber completed their renovations and opened in the second quarter of 2020. Kingwood Center Gardens Storybook Trail and Garden Center reached completion in 2020 resulting in a beautiful, family-friendly addition to an already magnificent facility.
CARES Act funding provided much needed assistance to 72 small business entities located within the City of Mansfield. $450,000.00 was granted through this program which was administered by Richland Area Chamber and Economic Development. CARES Act money supplied $50,000.00 to the Salvation Army to assist our residents with rent and utility bills throughout the pandemic. Equipment was purchased and building upgrades were made to comply with state restrictions.
Significant milestones achieved in 2020 included the 100th anniversary of our local Kiwanis Club who received national recognition by placing 3rd in a world-wide competition for their signature funding raising projects. We were honored to help recognize the 100th anniversary of our local Disabled Veteran’s group. The Richland County Foundation commemorated 75 years of providing financial assistance to various groups in Mansfield and Richland County. A “Code of Conduct,” an aspirational document outlining expectations for behavior and accountability in the community, was signed by city officials and members of the Black/Brown Coalition. We were pleased and honored to dedicate “Walter Jordan Drive” in recognition of two great leaders who were instrumental in many ways, and provided spiritual inspiration to Mansfield residents for decades. As 2020 came to a close, we were able to provide a magnificent Christmas light display in our downtown area thanks to a collaborative effort of many who believe in Mansfield’s future.
Department Highlights for 2020:
AIRPORT: This year, the FAA awarded Mansfield Lahm Airport just shy of $1.3M to purchase two dump-body plow trucks and a 24’ Runway Broom. The new equipment will address a necessary and long overdue improvement for our Snow Removal Equipment fleet, replacing two 1978 plow trucks and a 1996 Runway Broom. Anticipated arrival of the new equipment is sometime around August 2021.
The 179th Air National Guard Wing has been pursuing a large taxiway relocation project currently in the later stages of design and planning. The project will relocate Taxiway Alpha, stretching from Taxiway Delta to the approach end of Runway 5, running parallel to Runway 5-23. The project will be a positive change on the airfield, benefiting the 179th and general aviation users at the airport.
At the start of the year, Next Generation Films of Lexington, OH based a Phenom 300 jet at the airport. As Dan Niss began looking into building a hangar, the search lead him to ultimately working out a deal to purchase Richland Aviation, the Fixed Base Operator. The city approved the transfer in October through legislation and the official transfer was complete as of January 1, 2021. The acquisition will bring exciting changes to the field including how the FBO is operated. Their main location will soon be the terminal building and a hanger is in the process of being built next to the terminal building to better serve those who fly in to our airport.
NASA’s Orion returned to Florida quietly in March. With COVID-19 just starting, the concern for safety was paramount. The large, wide-bodied cargo transport aircraft “Super Guppy” and its crew picked up the capsule of the Orion Space Shuttle and returned it safely with the assistance of the 179th ANG.
BUILDING & CODES: During 2020 there were a total of 62 structures demolished. 45 were through the P.R.I.D.E. levy and 17 were through the Neighborhood Initiative Program and or private owners. The Bureau assessed 45 P.R.I.D.E. demos for tax liens totaling $730,453.05. This data suggests a decline in NIP “Land Bank” funding, only 27% of demolition costs were covered by NIP for 2020 compared to 78% NIP funding in 2019.
New and alteration commercial construction permits remained steady as it has over the past ten years while residential new and alteration construction permits climbed up 330%. Total permit revenue increased 260% from 2019 and nearly 332% over the past 3 years. Total property investments for improvements totaled just over thirty-three million dollars. Also noted is the fact that new-home construction moved up slightly to 22 new homes.
During 2020, a total of 1,398 violation complaints or systematic inspections (such as but not limited to; litter, garbage/trash, weeds, junk vehicles, repair orders, condemnation orders etc.) were investigated and issued by our Housing Inspectors. The Bureau handled 315 mowing complaints resulting in 122 mowing’s with lien assessments totaling $12,200.00. The Bureau handled 36 board up complaints resulting in 12 City forced board-ups equaling lien assessments of $2,080.88. The Bureau also handled 479 trash/litter, open storage, and vehicle complaints resulting in 16 City forced cleanups equaling lien assessments of $28,780.46, and an additional 191 right-of-way cleanups were also performed.
As of 12/31/2020 there were 598 contractors registered in the City of Mansfield, an increase of 5% from 2019, and 7 garbage haulers registered, up one from 2019.
Total Revenue Collections for 2020 was $264,741.16, up 3.5% from 2019.
CLEARFORK: The COVID-19 pandemic prevented the opening of the campground for over a month but after a slow start, there was a large increase of campers and boaters. By mid-summer, the docks and campground were both nearing capacities.
There was also a large increase of kayakers at the reservoir this year. Two new kayak launches were purchased and installed at one of the docks increasing safety and relieving congestion at the ramps.
The Clearfork Reservoir remains one of the top fishing, hunting and boating destinations in central Ohio. 31 scheduled bass tournaments and 4 musky tournaments were held this year along with a first ever bow and arrow fishing tournament, a 24-hour event that was very successful.
COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: The Department of Community Development remains committed to its core values of providing rehabilitation and repair services to the citizens of Mansfield. 2020 was exceptionally challenging with the COVID-19 pandemic. Community Development was able to complete approximately 35 emergency home rehabilitations and 1 full home rehabilitation during the past year. In addition to these activities, Community Development continued to work on developing the West-End Target area project, as well as the Ritter’s Run senior housing complex in conjunction with the Ohio District 5 Area Agency on Aging. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Community Development received more than $714,000 in additional CDBG funding to assist residents who were affected. More than $360,000 was made available for rental and utility assistance through Mansfield Metropolitan Housing Authority, and $135,600 was dispersed to Mansfield City Schools to provide Chromebooks to low/moderate income students to facilitate distance learning.
Community Development has also worked through staffing changes, with a new director in place. Two staff members changed roles within the department, and a new rehabilitation officer was hired. Community Development also added a part-time assistant grant specialist position.
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: Airport West I, LLC acquired a fifteen (15) acre site at Airport West Industrial Park to construct a 160,000-sf spec building. The company will market the building while under construction and anticipates signing a tenant prior to completion in late 2021. Total project investment $9,000,000. K.E. McCartney & Associates began construction on an expansion of their existing office facility and a new garage/maintenance facility that will be complete in the spring of 2021. The expansion is required to provide for continued growth of the business. They project the creation of five new jobs over the next 2 years upon completion. Total project investment $1,400,000. Hess Industries began construction on a 7,200-sf expansion to their existing manufacturing facility that will be complete in the spring of 2021. The expansion will provide room for current and future growth of the Company’s business. The company expects to add 3 new employees over the next two years. Total project investment $410,000.
Life Investments, Inc. began renovations and a small addition to their 424 Springmill Street facility that will be complete during the second quarter of 2021. When complete, the facility will house the Fire Pit Restaurant and Lounge. The company expects to create 7 full time and 11 part time jobs upon completion. Total project investment $480,000. Niss Aviation FBO, LLC has purchased Richland Aviation and will be constructing a new FBO Hangar at Mansfield Lahm Airport. The construction will be complete November 2021. They project the creation of 3 full time and 3 part time jobs as a result of the project. Total project investment $2,200,000. 1404 PAW, LLC purchased the former Park Lanes property located at 1410 Park Avenue West. The former bowling alley building will be demolished and will then become a parking lot for the Charter School located next door at 1404 Park Avenue West. The company expects to develop the balance of the 5-acre site for a yet to be determined use. Total project investment $257,500. 84 Lumber has completed renovations to their North Main Street facilities east of Mansfield Lahm Airport. The new truss manufacturing facility began operations during the second quarter of 2020 with plans to hire 58 full time employees over the next 2 years. Total project investment $2,000,000. Old Dominion Freight Lines completed construction of their new 50 dock freight terminal at Airport West Industrial Park in July 2020. The new terminal is now open and they anticipate hiring a total of 60 new employees for the project over the next two years. Total project investment $7,000,000.
The Small Business Assistance Grant Program funded with CARES ACT funds provided much needed assistance to 72 small business entities located within the City of Mansfield. The program was administered by the Richland Area Chamber of Commerce. The total amount of funds granted through the program was $450,000.
ENGINEERING: Resurfaced 61 streets and alleys (17.11 miles). Two separate contracts were administered, totaling $3.5 million. Received City Council approval to convert Diamond Street to two-way traffic from First Street to Main Street. Construction is set to begin March 2021. Entered into a Construction Manager at Risk contract for a major rehabilitation project at the Water Treatment Plant. The construction cost is approximately $30M and will begin fall 2021.
Received a grant from the Richland County Regional Planning Commission to design and construct the Main Street Upgrade Project from First Street to Fifth Street. The two-year design effort will begin April 2021. Approximately 90% of the design cost will be paid out of said grant Continued the development of the GIS utility mapping program. Data integrity and program usability was our main focus this year on improving the GIS mapping system. Final design was completed for the seepage remediation project at the Clearfork Dam. Construction to begin in 2022 pending ODNR approval.
The majority of the Park Avenue Sanitary Lift Station rehabilitation project was completed. Constructed the North Lake Park Double Arch Bridge. A grant from the Ohio Public Works Commission was received to assist in the construction project. Administered the City’s Backflow Prevention Program. 75 locations for surveys and inspections were performed in compliance with meeting Ohio EPA’s standards and expectations. Finalized the completion of the Taxiway Delta and Echo project. The City received approximately $4.5M from the FAA to construct the project. Secured a contract with a new Fixed Base Operator (Niss Aviation), located at the Mansfield Lahm Regional Airport. Niss Aviation has begun the construction of a new FBO hanger and Avgas Fuel Farm.
FIRE: The Fire Department answered 11,123 emergency calls in 2020. Of those, 1,922 were fire-related and 9,201 were emergency medical calls. This represents an increase of just over 5% in call volume from one year ago. Unfortunately, we had one civilian fire death in 2020.
A new Braun rescue squad to replace Rescue 4 housed on South Main Street was ordered in December. A total of seven firefighters were hired in 2020 and two are currently finishing their necessary training as they were delayed with the closure of the Ohio Fire Academy due to COVID. Two small grants were received, one for camera equipment for the fire prevention office, and the other provided personal escape harnesses for each riding position on the department.
Starting in mid-March, the fire department has been operating with specialized daily procedures to deal with the effects of the pandemic caused by COVID-19. Fortunately, financial relief in the form of CARES Act money and a grant from HHS allowed the Fire Department to make some much needed purchases. Using the HHS grant, we purchased a new Lifepack 15 monitor/defibrillator and one of the older units was traded in. With the CARES funding we replaced the training room chairs, acquired the necessary equipment for distance learning/meeting, purchased two Aeroclave units for use in decontaminating the apparatus and the stations, replaced all members’ squad jackets and provided for a COVID Safety Officer. The largest CARES purchase was for load systems in five of our six rescue squads. These systems should show a reduction in back injuries caused by constantly lifting and lowering cots with heavy patients.
COVID, or symptoms of it, effected over half of our members at one time or another in 2020. Due to our efforts to prevent transmission throughout the stations, however, we saw two to three members out at a time rather than entire shifts. An area of concern brought to light by COVID is our open dormitory sleep areas. We will start renovations this year to provide separate sleeping quarters for each member while working. Along with the dorm renovations, there are several other large maintenance projects slated for this year.
Another huge undertaking this year will be the changeover to a new reporting software suite. This will be a trying time for all staff, but is greatly needed to continue our operations efficiently. We will refresh our entire staff of paramedics this year as we do every two years in Advanced Cardiac Life Support. We will also continue to enhance and improve delivery of our services from the Fire Prevention Bureau with regards to inspections and investigations.
HUMAN RESOURCES: City staffing levels have remained fairly consistent over the past few years with 465 employees in 2019 and 455 employees in 2020. The Human Resources Office assisted the Fire Department and Police Department in conducting candidate interviews. The Mansfield Division of Police held lateral exams and the Fire Department held promotional exams during 2020. Both Police and Fire will hold entry-level Civil Service exams in 2021. The HR Office assisted all city departments with hiring, job postings, and transfers.
In 2020, the Human Resources Office lead a comprehensive citywide COVID-19 Response plan for all city departments and employees. Thermal imagers were placed at the main entrances to assist in reducing the spread of the COVID-19 virus.
The Human Resources Office continues to utilize Explain My Benefits (EMB) to assist in electronic health insurance enrollments for new and existing employees. City employees continue to have access to professional insurance counselors, via the mobile app, to assist them in interpreting insurance coverage issues and open enrollment. The HR Office processed many claims related to BWC injuries, unemployment filings, and healthcare-related issues. Police and Fire Union contracts were completed in 2020 as we look towards negotiating AFSCME’s Union contract in 2021.
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: IT staff members closed approximately 1800 documented work order tickets for service throughout 2020.
The following improvements and/or projects were completed throughout the year: setup users for VPN access to work from home, upgraded 4 servers to Windows Server 2016, installed 90 new Desktop workstations, installed 130 Laptops for use with remote work, installed new firewalls with upgraded email security, planned, coordinated and implemented new technology upgrades for City Council Chambers for live broadcasting, implemented Video Conferencing installation in multiple conference rooms, assisted PSCC in major renovation, and planned out and began Wi-Fi installation in city owned buildings.
IT also replaced switches in data closets throughout the environment, upgraded Core switches in server room, implemented Website redesign, implemented Custom Voting software for City Council, cleaned up network vlans and setup 10 GB uplinks to closet switches in main building, implemented softphone software for work from home, began streaming of City Council meetings on Facebook and City website, provided ongoing support for the Water Meter Change Out project, and implemented new Mobile Device Management software.
MAINTENANCE: The Building Maintenance Department was responsible for equipment installation and implementation of thousands of dollars’ worth of Cares Act funds in addition to their normal duties of maintaining all city facilities. The funds were used to have local contractors install touch free doors, plumbing fixtures, plexiglass, and many other Covid related items to keep in compliance with COVID protocol. They continue to sanitize the building daily in their efforts to keep the public and employees safe.
The Department did see one big project come to fruition in 2020, the replacement of one of its boilers. The Municipal Building’s heating system was comprised of two boiler systems. One boiler was replaced with two high-efficiency boilers. The remaining old boiler will be left in place for back-up.
PARKS & RECREATION: Several family craft and art nights were held along with a Leap Day celebration at the beginning of 2020. Starting in March, the threat of the Coronavirus shut everything down including programming for the city parks. The Recreation Department partnered with the Cleveland Foodbank to offer free to-go breakfast and lunch meals serving close to 10,000 meals by the programs end in August. The department also partnered with Richland County Children Services, the Mansfield Art Center, the Mansfield Y, and the Laundry Basket Library during the meal service to offer to-go programming materials for children to do at home.
Officials from United Way contacted the Parks Department to be a part of a committee of people from local community organizations (Friendly House, CACY, Mansfield Art Center and Children’s Cupboard) to coordinate a mini summer day camp that followed social distancing guidelines. The CommUnity Day camp commenced July through mid- August with about 20 kids attending daily. Camps were held at South Park, the Longview Center and Hedges School. The programming was truly a community effort and was coordinated with the Mansfield Police Department K9 Unit, Raemelton, the Renaissance Theatre, the Mansfield Y, Girl Scouts of Ohio’s Heartland and many other community organizations. WoMama, a local company, made the social distancing mats and lunch was provided by Hudson and Essex. Everything was free to participants courtesy of the support from the United Way of Richland County.
The recreation department ended the year by giving out Christmas craft kits to-go at North Lake Park which included crafts from the previous year’s events. Richland County Children Services provided candy and the Mansfield Art Center provided a coloring book and colored pencils for the Christmas stockings.
Playground equipment at North Lake Park and Johns Park’s was replaced this year. The old bridge at North Lake was removed and replaced. The new bridge is constructed out of the same sandstone as the old bridge. The Third annual Food Truck Festival took place as was a social distanced Living History Day at South Park. Liberty Pool was opened to the public and despite Covid requirements, it was a successful season.
POLICE: The Mansfield Division of Police had 78 sworn officers and 36 civilian employees by December of 2020. 3 officers retired, 1 officer was reinstated, and 3 officers resigned. 35 citizen compliments for outstanding work in the community were received. The Police Department handled 31,960 calls for service. Officers arrested 2,939 persons. Part 1 crime decreased by 16.5% overall as compared to 2019. It was noted that burglary offenses were drastically decreased by 27.2% and auto theft offenses were decreased by 10.5%. The Detective Bureau’s Domestic Violence Officer was assigned 377 cases. The detective assigned to assist Children’s Services was assigned 59 cases. Supervisors in the Community Services Bureau assigned patrol officers to high crime areas to impact crime and interrupt criminal activity.
The Division was successful in obtaining numerous new grants during 2020 which included the following: Body Worn Camera Grant – $50,000.00, Capital Bill Grant (Training Facility) – $230,000.00, Ohio Recovery Grant (METRICH) – $28,000.00 (funds were able to purchase a QRT vehicle and overtime funds for officers to enhance out-reach, CESF (Covid Grant) – $72,500.00 (computers, conference cameras, supplies, and overtime funds), PSN Grant (ShotSpotter) – $47,000.00, COPS Grant – 4 Officer Positions – $1.1 million.
The Division faced a very challenging 2020 dealing with Covid but was provided with financial assistance with CARES Act funding. To assist and protect personnel during this pandemic, the Division was able to purchase permeable chairs, safety partitions, computers for all sections of the Division, 4 Covid Patrol cars, 50 tasers for patrol staff and 5 new consoles for the 911 Communications Center.
The Division is proud of their involvement and support in community programs that include the Juvenile Mentoring Program, Golden Agers Program, After School Program, A.C.E. Program, Leadership Club, PAL Sports, Safety Town, Explorers and our Neighborhood Watch groups.
SERVICE COMPLEX: The Street Department swept 403 miles of roadway collecting 44 cubic yards of waste. They continued to battle pot holes throughout the city filling 1,135 pot holes. Of those 1,135 pot holes, 299 were reported by citizens while 836 were filled proactively by the department before complaints were received. They repaired or replaced 539 signs and signals due to inclement weather and vehicular accidents. 447 trees required the attention of the Street Department to keep the City right-of-way’s clear. The street department also contributed to the fight against blight with 285 clean-ups and boarding of houses. A small dump truck and temporary construction traffic signals were purchased to contribute to plowing, pot holing and construction safety.
The Water Repair Department made 150 repairs to water mains in 2020. While making these repairs, the City repaired 13 valves and replaced an additional 30. 167 hydrants required attention due to either vehicular accidents or scheduled routine maintenance. 13 new taps were installed throughout the year. Water Repair responded to 826 leaks and completed 514 service turn on/offs. A new New Holland backhoe, Service line boring Mole, and two fleet trucks were purchased. This equipment will be used to replace outdated and worn out equipment to ensure jobs are performed without setbacks. A new Valve Exercise Program was initiated by Water Repair resulting in 1001 water valves being exercised and cleaned for preventative maintenance.
In 2020, the City’s Sewer Repair Department responded to 480 backup calls resulting in 34,647 feet of sewer lines being flushed. An additional 58,249 feet of sewer and storm lines were flushed due to monthly sewer maintenance. Throughout the year, 464 catch basins were rebuilt or repaired in an effort to prevent flooding. Sewer Repair inspected 17,700 foot of sewer pipe with the CCTV truck. This department purchased 3 Mason trucks and 2 fleet trucks in addition to an easement machine. This equipment will help Sewer Repair with a new maintenance program of preventive cleaning in the hardest to reach manholes and pipes. In addition to replacing the older trucks for the masons, the new trucks provide better access and storage of tools, helping with productivity.
The City’s Repair Garage completed 837 work orders in 2020. They installed new repair jacks on all lifts to properly secure cars for safety purposes. A new tire machine and AC unit were purchased to help with the basic maintenance for the city’s vehicle fleet.
UTILITY COLLECTIONS: The year 2020, like many other areas of the City, was affected by the COVID 19 situation. While the year started out with computer interface issues revolving around the interplay between our old meter reading system and the new one associated with the meter replacement project causing a delay in meter installations, actual installation was further delayed by the pandemic. Nevertheless, beginning in May new meters began to be installed and a constant pace of installation occurred throughout the year. The target date for completion is June 2021.
While water revenues were down, issues and discoveries that have come forward during the implementation of the water meter replacement project have allowed the division to address them which the division fully believes will lead to an increase in revenue in 2021 and future years
Staffing fluxed throughout the year and even though COVID 19 had an impact on the staff, all worked like troopers and business ran as close to usual as possible considering a plethora of obstacles.
Department management assisted in reviewing water rates that had not been increased since 2014 and formulating new water rates which went into place January 1, 2021.
WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT: The Wastewater Treatment Plant treated 4.23 billion gallons for the year with an average of 11.22 million gallons per day. The plant disposed of 3361.13 wet tons of bio solids through our land application program with an additional 2864.0 wet tons from our lagoon sludge.
One of the plant’s four stationary engines has been completely overhauled and the last one is scheduled for 2021. The plants main grit machine had a complete rebuild utilizing plant personnel only. This consisted of new bearings, chains, sprockets, track and new or rebuilt shafts. A complete rebuild of a control panel at a lift station due to electrical failure and flooding inside pump control room occurred. 3 return activated sludge pumps were rebuilt in house which included sending out the 30 horsepower dc motors for freshening up. We replaced 1 of 2 raw sludge pumps in house complete with changing piping to accommodate the new model pump. Even though the Wastewater Treatment Plants largest lift station is under rehab construction and is approximately 80% complete, we are able to operate all major equipment and controls for maintaining flow and screening requirements.
Our landfill leachate program had brought in over $133,992 in revenue with no harmful impact to the plant process. Routine grounds maintenance was performed along with plant equipment maintenance, and the maintenance of 16 lift stations.
WATER TREATMENT: In 2020, the Water Treatment Plant treated and pumped out 3,111,380,000 (3.11B) gallons of safe, potable drinking water. There were no violations for bacterial or chemical water properties. The WTP laboratory performed 59,130 tests for chemical and turbidity parameters, and performed 907 Bacteriological tests. Laboratory staff responded to 32 boil advisories due to main breaks and depressurizations, and all boil advisories returned satisfactory water results. Other required water samples such as cyanobacteria and algal toxin screening, organic and inorganic carbons, volatile and synthetic organic carbons, and lead/copper sampling were collected and sent out to Ohio EPA approved laboratories. All required monitoring samples were conducted in the appropriate time and came back with results within allowable limits.
The 2019 annual consumer confidence report was prepared and sent out to our approximately 20,000 customers along with their utility bills.
The year did get off to a rocky start with the calcium carbonate issues that prevented free flow of water between the filter building and the pump house, requiring us to set up a temporary bypass line and pumping, and having to issue a city-wide boil advisory. The work that was done with the coordination of other city departments and Allied Underwater Services allowed us to keep water flowing throughout the system without loss of pressure. 23 various bacteria samples were collected during the ordeal that all came back negative, showing that our water did remain safe to drink. Later in the year Allied returned for a more thorough inspection/cleaning of our 48” transfer pipe and high service clearwells. The calcium buildup will be monitored and removed in the coming years as we develop a better way of preventing its formation as part of our capital improvements.
Numerous routine maintenance projects and repairs were accomplished for all water treatment facilities at the treatment plant, lake pump house, Woodland Reservoir, Straub Tower, Shaker Tower and Pump Station, and ten well sites.