Tim Bowersock, Economic Development Director
Phone: 419-755-9794
E-mail: tbowersock@ci.mansfield.oh.us
Tim Bowersock
Economic Development Director
Tim joined the City of Mansfield as its Economic Development Director in June of 1998. Tim has had extensive experience in business development and management. Prior to joining the City of Mansfield, he held the position of Director of the Mansfield-Richland Incubator, where he not only counseled business start-ups, but also provided in-depth management analysis and assistance.
As the Economic Development Director for the City of Mansfield, Tim manages and administers the City’s Economic Incentive Programs, is directly responsible for industrial retention, expansion and relocation efforts; establishment of economic development programs and marketing plans; coordinates public/private partnerships regarding infrastructures; building and land development; acquisition, sale and lease of land on the City’s behalf for business expansion; acts as liaison between City, County and State development personnel, private financial institutions and local/regional organizations.