Historic Preservation Commission

What is the Historic Preservation Commission?

The Mansfield Historic Preservation Commission is a 12 member board that serves to identify and protect the city’s historic buildings and other properties. The Commission assists with the process for listing properties on the National, State and/or Local register of historic buildings, and is responsible for reviewing and approving certain exterior changes to Locally Designated properties. Commission duties are described in full in Mansfield City Ordinance 1171. The goal of the Commission is to improve the quality of life in Mansfield through historic preservation. We believe Mansfield’s historic buildings are part of all citizen’s shared heritage, and that they enrich our community in many ways.

Is your building in a Locally Designated Historic area? 

While the Commission is involved with preservation of the many state and nationally designated properties in Mansfield, the Commission only reviews exterior changes to properties within locally designated areas. These areas include The Boulevards and Sherman’s Estate neighborhoods, and the Central Park Historic District, as well as many individually designated properties. To determine if your building is in one of these areas, please check both the historic district maps and the properties list linked below, or contact the Commission. 

Does your project need to be reviewed by the Commission? 

For certain types of changes to Locally Designated properties, building owners must submit an application for a Certificate of Approval (COA) in advance of any work performed. This is similar to a typical building permit, as it is required by law and there may be penalties for work done without an approved COA. After receiving a COA application, the Commission then works with building owners to make sure that the work meets the standards outlined in the neighborhood design guidelines and the Secretary of Interior’s Standards, and that the work generally respects the historic character and beauty of the neighborhood. Changes that may need review include, but are not limited to, work on windows, doors, porches, trim, roofs, signs, fences, major landscaping, and additions or removals of portions of the building. The Commission is available to provide guidance on what type of changes need a COA. If your building is located in one of the locally designated areas, or you are uncertain, please contact us for specifics.  

What else can the Commission help with?

The Commission may be able to provide guidance on historically appropriate rehabilitation even if your building is not located in a Local district. Please see the below resources for rehabilitation guidelines or reach out to the Commission directly for help. If you are interested in the benefits of a national, state or local historic designation, the Commission can also assist with determining eligibility and the nomination process.

How to Contact the Commission: 

Phone:  (coming soon)

Email: (coming soon)


Historic Preservation Commission Flyer


Ordinance 1171: https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/mansfield/latest/mansfield_oh/0-0-0-22217#1171

Map with Locally Designated Historic Districts: 


List of Individually Listed Properties: (coming soon)


Sherman’s Estate: https://www.downtownmansfield.com/_files/ugd/a34e2f_abbc3edffa66484985db1f664358c195.pdf

Boulevards: https://www.downtownmansfield.com/_files/ugd/a34e2f_4ae2ee2ff97b4059ae94319c7b03ed4d.pdf

Central Park District: 



Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties: 


Mansfield Historic Preservation Plan: 


Other Rehabilitation Resources:




Q: How do I know if I need to fill out a COA application?

A: If you are not sure your building is in a locally designated area, or if the work you are doing requires a COA, please contact the Commission, we will let you know!

Q: How far in advance of work should I fill out an application? 

A: The best time to fill out an application is when you are first considering doing work on your building. While the Commission tries to approve COAs as quickly as possible, it is important we have time to consider all details of the work and find an option that is good for everyone. Ordinance 1171 requires an approved COA before work begins, so it is important to submit an application before starting any of the project. 

Q: Is the COA the only permit I need to do work?  

A: An approved COA is not a substitute for a building permit issued through the Mansfield City Codes and Permits office, nor does an approved permit through that office fulfill the requirement for a COA through the Historic Preservation Commission. Please contact Codes and Permits and the Commission to check what is required for your project.