Road Closure – Glessner Avenue

Date: 6/22/2021                            Contact: Mike Kunz / Mansfield Service Complex Subject:  Road Closure Due to water main repairs it will be necessary to close sections of the following roads while work…

Stream Clean up 2021

Subject: Operation S.O.S. (Save Our Streams)North Lake Park Stream Clean upSaturday, June 26th at 9:00 a.m. Mansfield, Ohio – Mansfield Mayor Tim Theaker, is pleased to announce as a part…

News Release – Juneteenth

Date: June 19, 2021 Contact: Sharon May, HR DirectorSubject: JuneteenthMansfield, 0H–The City of Mansfield hereby announces that in celebration of Juneteenth full-time City employees will begranted an additional day off…

Water Service Shutdown – Dudley Avenue

Date: 6/17/2021                                            Contact: Don Crose / Mansfield Water Repair Dept. Subject:  Water service shut down. Due to emergency water main repairs the City of Mansfield Water Repair Department has shut…

Boil Advisory – South Main Street – Lifted

Date: 6/15/2021                                            Contact: Don Crose / Mansfield Water Repair Dept. Subject: Boil advisory issued Due to a water main repair it will be necessary to issue a boil advisory for…