Road Closure – Woodland Road

Date: 4/22/2021                            Contact: Don Crose / Mansfield Service Complex Subject:  Road Closure Due to water main repairs it will be necessary to close sections of the following roads while work…

Road Closure – Park Avenue

Date: 4/20/2021                            Contact: Steve Brown / Mansfield Service Complex Subject:  Single lane only Due to water main repairs it will be necessary to reduce traffic to single lane only in…

Road Closure – Newman Street

Date: 4/19/2021                            Contact: Kevin Pugh / Mansfield Service Complex Subject:  Road Closure Due to sanitary main repairs it will be necessary to close sections of the following roads while work…

Road Closure – Harker Street

Date: 4/14/2021                            Contact: Johnny McCune / Mansfield Service Complex Subject:  Road Closure Due to Sewer Department repairs it will be necessary to close sections of the following roads while work…

Phone Project – Postponed

Mansfield, OH– Due to circumstances beyond our control, the City of Mansfield will not be migrating their phones today. This project has been rescheduled for May 5th, 2021. All phone…

Water Service Shutdown – Temple Court

Date: 4/13/2021                                            Contact: Don Crose / Mansfield Water Repair Dept. Subject:  Water service shut down Due to emergency water main repairs the City of Mansfield Water Repair Department will have…