Boil Advisory – West 4th Street

Date: 3/19/2021                                            Contact: Kunz / Mansfield Water Repair Dept. Subject: Boil advisory issued Due to a water main repair it will be necessary to issue a boil advisory for the…

Road Closure – Straub Road

Date: 3/19/2021                            Contact: Johnny McCune / Mansfield Service Complex Subject:  Road Closure Due to Sewer Department repairs it will be necessary to close sections of the following roads while work…

Water Service Shutdown – West 4th Street

Date: 3/18/2021                                            Contact: Kunz / Mansfield Water Repair Dept. Subject:  Water service shut down Due to emergency water main repairs the City of Mansfield Water Repair Department will have to…

Road Closure – West 4th Street

Date: 3/17/2021                            Contact: Mike Kunz / Mansfield Service Complex Subject:  Road Closure Due to water main repairs it will be necessary to close sections of the following roads while work…

Easter Egg Hunt 2024

Date:  March 23, 2024                                       Contact:  Parks Office                                                                                                                         419-522-9801  Subject:   DRIVE THRU EASTER Mansfield, Ohio- The City of Mansfield Parks Department will be hosting its annual Easter Egg Hunt as…

Road Closure – Ohio Street

Date: 3/16/2021                            Contact: Crose / Mansfield Service Complex Subject:  Road Closure Due to street repairs it will be necessary to close sections of the following roads while work is being…