North Lake Park
The park is located at 625 Hope Road in Mansfield, Ohio, and covers about 20 acres. North Lake Park offers many amenities to hold various events. Whether you are looking to go biking on the B&O Bike Trail’s northern-most point in Mansfield, fishing, playing basketball, hiking, or hosting a party, North Lake Park is a great location. Some of the amenities include a basketball court, a pond for fishing, charcoal grills, playground equipment, and a picnic area for you and your family to enjoy the outdoors. The indoor pavilion offers a kitchen and a nice open area to set up tables and chairs for all your group’s needs.
To inquire about reserving a park pavilion or questions, please call our park office at 419-522-9801. Reservations must be made in person at South Park,100 Brinkerhoff Avenue, Monday through Thursday from 8 am to 2 pm.
The park is located at 577 Grace Street in Mansfield, Ohio, and covers about twenty-four (24) acres. In 1937, the folks who lived in the neighborhoods near Grace Street wanted a city park where their kids could play close to home, so they took it upon themselves to raise the money it took to buy 24 acres with a small creek. Today, A NEW state-of-the-art VersaCourt outdoor basketball surface was installed with financial assistance from the Coca-Cola CONSOLIDATED and BODYARMOR and numerous community groups and volunteers. The Rewild Liberty Park is a grassroots community group dedicated to creating and implementing a rewilding plan for the spring-fed stream in Liberty Park. The goal would be to remove invasive species and replace them with native plants and trees to support biodiversity and improve water quality entering the duck pond. The Liberty DIY Skatepark signed an adopt-a-park agreement with the city, which allows him to take charge of Liberty Park’s fenced-in tennis courts. A plan is being developed by Skate Mansfield/Skate Ohio and local skaters to turn the 25,000-square-foot pad into a skate park by building their obstacles and fundraising through Skate Ohio, a newly formed non-profit based in Butler, Ohio.
ADDITION: We have added a SUMMER Sports Chest at Liberty Park with basketballs, baseballs, gloves, soccer balls, frisbees and a football. We wanted to make sure the kids have something to do over summer if they can’t afford their own equipment. The only rule is to use them at your leisure and put them back when you are done. Addition of the WINTER Sled Shed at the park’s sledding hill. This shed contains FREE sleds that can be used by the community members and returned when finished. Special thank you to Skate Mansfield/Skate Ohio for making this possible. If anyone has slightly used sports equipment they’d like to donate, please let is know.
To inquire about or have questions, please call our park office at 419-522-9801 or in person at South Park, 100 Brinkerhoff Avenue, Monday through Thursday from 8 am to 2 pm.
Johns Park
The park is located on Johns Avenue in Mansfield, Ohio, and covers about 22 acres. The land that is Johns Park was donated to the city in 1907, though the neighborhood around it — known then as the Johns Addition — was in place since the 1890s. Johns Park provides many opportunities to get out and enjoy the outdoors while hosting a group or event inside the pavilion. The outdoor pavilion is in the middle of the park so you can see what is going on all around you. The park has a splash pad, soccer field, basketball court, playground, and picnic area. The inside of the pavilion can hold tables and chairs that can be set up exactly how you like. To inquire about reserving a park pavilion or questions, please call our park office at 419-522-9801. Reservations must be made in person at South Park, 100 Brinkerhoff Avenue, Monday through Thursday from 8 am to 2 pm.
Prospect Park
The park is located at 542 Marquis, Mansfield, Ohio, and covers about three (3) acres. Prospect Park on August 6, 1937, is when kids first waited till the light changed at Safety Town. Prospect Park is one of our parks that can hold smaller outdoor events. The park has playground equipment or you can cook out with the charcoal grills outside as well. The park has a softball/ baseball field attached and a soccer field as well. To inquire or have questions, please call our park office at 419-522-9801.
The park is located off Hillcrest Street in Mansfield, Ohio, and covers about 33 acres. The park is named after the late philanthropist Justine Sterkel, who had owned the land off Lexington Avenue and fought to keep the land for public institutions of charity. The Sterkel Community Park for All is one step closer to being one of Ohio’s premier community parks that residents of all ages and levels of abilities can visit and enjoy. Currently under construction is the park’s zone 1 which will feature pickleball courts, fitness equipment under the roof, a large outdoor pavilion, ping pong tables, benches, restrooms, and more. The new park’s zone is projected to open in late 2024.
About $4 million of the $5.4 million goal has been raised since last year for the Community Park for All Campaign. Donations are needed to complete the fundraising goal for this project. Donations can be made online at the Richland Area Chamber of Commerce website at by scrolling to the bottom of the chamber’s home page and clicking on “sector groups” under “Initiatives”; then, click on Sterkel Park Sector’s “donate” button. Gift checks can be sent to PARK-RCDG, in care of Newhope, 314 Cleveland Ave., Mansfield, OH 44902.
To inquire about or have questions please call the park office at 419-522-9801.
Burton Park
Burton Park is located on 1177 Sunset Blvd, in Mansfield, Ohio, and covers eight (8) acres. The park has a great Pavilion to rent if you want the feel of the woods surrounding you. It lays in the center of many trees great fun for the kids to enjoy the outdoors. With a giant slide, and playground equipment to play on this park will not disappoint. It has 3 pickleball courts, a basketball court, and soccer fields and is just large enough to keep an eye on the kids while enjoying relaxation in the pavilion or the picnic areas. In season the Sunflower Field is planted in spring and starts blooming in early August. The indoor pavilion offers a kitchen, tables, and chairs to set up exactly the way you would like to meet your needs. To inquire about reserving a park pavilion or questions, please call the park office at 419-522-9801. Reservations or questions can be made in person at South Park, 100 Brinkerhoff Avenue, Monday through Thursday from 8 am to 2 pm.
South Park
South Park is located at 100 Brinkerhoff Ave. Mansfield, Ohio, and covers about 35 acres. This park is where many historical and summer activities are held. An outdoor pavilion with an attached kitchen is available for rent. The park has a gazebo, walking trails, a playground, and green open spaces for walking the dog around to enjoy nature. The park features a historical village and monuments honoring our local history, heroes, and Johnny “Appleseed” Chapman. In 2024, the Johnny Appleseed Historic Byway will celebrate the 250th birthday of John “Appleseed” Chapman with a series of events that will highlight South Park’s & Mansfield’s Johnny Appleseed connection and history.
A dedicated group of volunteers from the Richland Early American Center for History ( R.E.A.C.H.) maintain and operate the 1800’s historical village located in the park.
The Blockhouse, originally located in Mansfield’s public square, was one of 11 built in the Mansfield area during the War of 1812 as a refuge from Native American attacks and is the last surviving local structure from that era. The 1812 blockhouse, the 1808 Petersburg Log cabin, and blacksmith & woodworking shops are open to the public seasonally and during special events throughout the year. A community garden is operated by volunteers and helps teach children how to properly take care of fruits and vegetables to give them the necessities needed to make their own gardens at home. To inquire about reserving a park pavilion, please call 419-522-9801. Reservations must be made in person at South Park at 100 Brinkerhoff Avenue Monday through Thursday from 8 am to 2 pm.