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Boil Advisory โ€“ Lifted

For Immediate Release

Date: 2/8/2021 Contact: Brown / Mansfield Water Repair Dept.

Subject: Boil advisory issued

Due to a water main repair it will be necessary to issue a boil advisory for the following area:

Curtis Drive from Hess Circle to Auer Boulevard
Overdale Drive
Auer Boulevard from Donal Drive to Springbrook Drive
Donal Drive from Auer Boulevard to Hess Lane
Springbrook Drive from Donal to Rosedale Drive
Hess Lane from Curtis Drive to Donal Drive

Under a boil advisory it is suggested that all consumed water be brought to a rolling boil for a full 3 minutes prior to consumption. This is a precautionary measure to be taken until samples can be tested to confirm water purity. A notice will be issued at the completion of the test.

Any questions concerning this notice may be directed to the Water Repair Dept. during normal business hours Monday thru Friday 7:00am to 3:30pm at 419-755-9806.

Thank you,
City of Mansfield Water Repair